How To Transfer Your Super To Cruelty Free Super

3 min read
HomeLearning HubHow To Transfer Your Super To Cruelty Free Super
Cruelty Free Super has an online feature that you can use to transfer your super into your Cruelty Free Super account.
It's easy to do this – and transferring your super ensures all your super is in one place.
Here’s how to transfer your super:

1. Login

Log into your Cruelty Free Super account here and go to the Transfer Your Super page.

2. Add your old super fund's details

This is really easy - just make sure you are adding your old super fund's details.
Below are some tips on where to find your old super fund details:
a. Member number - you should be able to find this on any previous correspondence from your old fund, such as the annual statement or super choice form. If you can’t find those documents, you can always give your old super fund a call and ask them to tell you your member number.
b. Fund ABN - you should be able to easily find this on your old super fund's website. Hint – it’s generally in the footer, or you can Google “fund name + ABN”, or check your super choice form. Alternatively just give your old fund a call.
c. USI - this stands for 'Unique Superannuation Identifier'. You should also be able to find this on the super fund's website or super choice form. Similarly, if you have troubles finding this, give your old super fund a call.

3. Choose between a full balance or partial transfer

Transferring your full balance to Cruelty Free Super means your old super account will be closed and you will lose any benefits (like insurance) that are linked to the account. It also means you won’t pay duplicate fees for having multiple super accounts, and that your super will be invested in line with the investment strategy you choose with Cruelty Free Super.
For partial transfers, you will need to choose how much you would like to transfer.
Transferring part of your balance to Cruelty Free Super means your existing super account will stay open, and you will retain benefits (like insurance) that are linked to the account (conditions generally apply) and you'll continue to pay fees in relation to the account.
Consider how combining your super will affect you before you transfer your super. Seek advice from a professional adviser if you need help.

4. Add another fund

If you only have one old super fund to transfer across to Cruelty Free Super, you can skip this step!
But, if you have another fund you’d like to transfer, you can add another super fund by pressing plus the button. The same steps from 1 to 3 will apply.
As a Cruelty Free Super member, you will always have access to a service to transfer your super, so you can do one fund first and come back later if you need to.

5. Agree to the terms and submit

That's it! Once you have submitted this form, our team will process this on your behalf. They will be in contact if they need more information. We’ll send you an email when your transfer has been received.

One last thing…

To make sure all your future employer contributions are paid into Cruelty Free Super, you will need to tell your employer about your super account. All you need to do is hand in the pre-filled super choice that was emailed to you, or login and go to Tell Your Employer to get another copy.
We hope that this makes it easy to transfer your super.

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