Our Fees

These are the ongoing annual fees and costs:

Administration fees and costs

Dollar based administration fee p.a.
Percentage based administration fee p.a.
+ 0.492%

Investment fees

The investment fee p.a will depend on the investment options you are invested in.
Cruelty Free Australian Shares
Cruelty Free International Shares

Transaction costs

Transaction costs p.a.

An example

Let’s assume you have invested your super across the investment options in the following proportions:
  • Cash is 10%.
  • Cruelty Free Australian Shares is 45%.
  • Cruelty Free International Shares is 45%.

The fees for a balance of $10,000 would be:

Dollar based administration fee p.a.
Percentage based administration fee p.a.
Investment fee p.a.
Transaction costs p.a
Your fees
A buy-sell spread will also apply. This fee is incurred every time units in an investment option are bought and sold. See the Additional Explanation of Fees and Costs in the Reference Guide for more information.

Fee cap for balances under $6,000

The government’s “Protecting Your Super” legislation requires all super funds to ensure members with a balance below $6,000 do not pay more than 3% of their balance in administration and investment fees.
If you do pay more than 3% in administration and investment fees, the difference will be refunded to your account at the end of the year.

Recent fee reductions

On 7 March 2022 the investment fee and the percentage-based administration fee were reduced.
The investment fee was reduced from 0.94% to 0.437%. And the percentage-based administration fee was reduced from 0.94% to 0.765%.
On 30 September 2023 the percentage-based administration fee was reduced again from 0.765% to 0.665%.
On 1 June 2024, the percentage-based administration fee was reduced again from 0.665% to 0.492% and the investment option was closed, with three new investment options opened.
You can refer to the diagram below to see the fee reductions by percentage for the percentage-based admin fee.
See the Reference Guide for the fund’s fees in detail.